Unfortunately, we do not offer in-house financing, however, we do have a super-popular layaway option, to assist you in spreading the cost of your purchase over time without having any debt, or incurring any interest charges or fees.
Layaway was popular years ago but is making a real comeback, as it definitely provides better value. You can pay a small amount into the store, whenever you like, to build up credit. If you decide on a particular piece beforehand, that piece will be put away for you until it’s all paid for, then you simply collect and enjoy. In this way, you avoid all the paperwork, hassle, and costs associated with financing – which can end up being a lot!
Some people simply pay in an amount regularly, knowing that when they need it (maybe Mother’s Day, Christmas, or birthdays), they have credit waiting for them right here, and they can enjoy a shopping experience without the financial stress.
We love Layaway. We love it because it keeps our customers safe from big interest fees, allows an easy and fun way to pay for items, and keeps the enjoyment of buying in the moment.
Just come in and talk to us and we’ll show you how it all works.